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                       Soccer is a fast paced, intense, competitive sport, and the demands on a players’ body can be incredible. During a game, a player is in constant motion for 30-45 minutes at one time, depending on age and level of play, followed by a 10 minute break and then another 30-45 minutes of constant activity. The average soccer player can travel up to 12 miles per game at various speeds. This means that a great deal of energy is used and must be replaced.Soccer players must get enough calories, vitamins, and minerals.
                    In fact, research has shown that soccer players sometimes deplete 90 percent of their muscle glycogen during a match, more than enough to heighten fatigue and dramatically reduce running speeds.That leads to bad performances during the second half. Glycogen-poor soccer players usually run more slowly - sometimes by as much as 50 percent - during the second halves of matches, compared to the first.

Diet for a Soccer Player :-

  Breakfast :
                    ● Pancakes
                    ● Waffles
                    ● Oatmeal
                    ● Bagel or toast
                    ● Fruits such as strawberries or bananas
                    ● Grain cereal
                    ● Juice

  Lunch and Dinner:

                    ● Potatoes
                    ● Rice
                    ● Pasta
                    ● Bread
                    ● Fruits
                    ● Peanut butter
                    ● Vegetables
                    ● Carrots Juice


Soccer Hydration :- 

                     Nutrition for soccer players makes a very important part of every soccer players performance on the field.There are many parts of soccer nutrition that separate the winners from losers and today I will focus on the proper hydration for soccer players and the importance of drinking plenty of water for proper soccer player hydration.
                    Hydration for soccer players can also be checked through urinating. If the urine is white or barely yellow than the player is well hydrated.
One good thing about consuming the sports drinks like Gatorade is that sport drinks are sweet for better tasting and they also contain carbohydrates which helps with storing glycogen in our liver and muscles for more instant energy.


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